Search for tag: "bowl"

Example Semi Structured Interview

This is a mock Semi Structured Interview for educational purposes. It features an actress, Ruth Quigley, talking about how she feeds her cat, Missy. Attached to this video is a full transcript and…

From  Jill MacKay 0 likes 74 plays 0  

Some small progress on the Mizohata-Takeuchi conjecture - Marina Iliopoulou

Fourier Analysis @ 200 Some small progress on the Mizohata-Takeuchi conjecture Marina Iliopoulou, University of Birmingham 27 June 2022

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From  Iain Cms 0 likes 94 plays 0  

Explaining Needs and Wants (LEANS resource 4.3)

About this video This video is one component of the Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS) resource pack for primary schools. It is part of a larger unit on “getting along…

From  Sue Fletcher-Watson 0 likes 968 plays

Educated Pass

The University has pioneered the Educated Pass project which helps teenage boys think about how the school curriculum is relevant to them, and how pursuing their studies could help them achieve a…

From  camvid camvid 0 likes 520 plays 0  

Vet Nurse: Cat Kennelling

Vet Nursing

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From  Brian Mather 0 likes 84 plays 0