Search for tag: "mitchell"

The Edinburgh Race Lectures: Behind the Rhodes Statue: Empire and the British Academy - 29 October 2020

Behind the Rhodes Statue: Empire and the British Academy' by Robbie Shilliam, Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University.Chaired by…

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From  Clare de Mowbray 0 likes 117 plays 0  

Edinburgh Global - The second phase of the UncoverED exhibition

Henry Mitchell and Tom Cunningham, project leads for UncoverED, discuss the second phase of the exhibition. The focus moves to the period 1800 - 1939 and noteworthy alumni such as James Africanus…

From  Nic Cameron 0 likes 252 plays 0  

Henry Mitchell talks about the UncoverED exhibition

Henry Mitchell, PhD researcher at the Centre of African Studies, talks about the UncoverED exhibition.

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From  Nic Cameron 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Opening Lecture by Prof. Jolyon Mitchell - How Can Weapons be Turned into Art? Swords into Ploughshares?

Professor Jolyon Mitchell, the University of Edinburgh, delivers his inaugural lecture, entitled "How Can Weapons be Turned into Art? How Can Swords be Transformed into Ploughshares?". …

From  Louisa Grotrian 0 likes 29 plays 0