Search for tag: "public lecture"

'Reality checking for Historians', Professor Julian Goodare

How do historians study people? We evaluate our evidence, obviously. I argue that we sometimes perform a 'reality check' on our evidence, applying human insight to it. This is a small…

From  Rose Day 0 likes 95 plays

ESALA Frictions Lecture: Anke Boehme (Public Practice)

Anke Boehme (Public Practice)

From  Richard Anderson 1 likes 38 plays 0  

ESALA Frictions Lecture: Alison Killing

Alison Killing: Killing Architects

From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 18 plays 0  

ESALA Frictions Lecture: Annmarie Adams

Grand Plans: hospital architecture and what it tells usThis talk explores the role of monumentality in a century of hospital design. From the sprawling British pavilion-plan building typology to…

From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Fourier's hieroglyphs, Jean Dhombres

This public lecture was part of the Fourier Analysis @200 workshop at ICMS. We were delighted to welcome speaker Jean Dhombres (École des hautes études en sciences sociales/ The School…

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From  Iain Cms 0 likes 17 plays 0  

The Rough Journey of Brownian Motion, Ilya Chevyrev

This public lecture was part of the Harmonic Analysis, Stochastics and PDEs workshop at ICMS. We were delighted to welcome speaker Ilya Chevyrev (University of Edinburgh) for this public lecture.The…

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From  Iain Cms 0 likes 51 plays 0  

ESALA Public Lectures Series: Rotor (Gaspard Geerts & Arne Vande Capelle - Geddes Visiting Fellows)

Reuse: Rediscovering a PracticeToday, reuse is often presented as a new thing, an innovation that requires complex technical solutions, a whole new branch of building materials and lots of expansive…

From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Bellastock, ESALA Frictions Public Lecture

Living the Change: Circular Economy and Tactical Urbanism supporting the Ecological Transition of TerritoriesBellastock will share 15 years of experiments in circular economy and transitory urbanism…

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From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Brady Burroughs, ESALA Frictions Public Lecture

Bauhaus to Ninja Assassinating Seriousness in Architectural Education Brady Burroughs Humor has long been used as a critical tool by architectural critics, but can taking ourselves a…

From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Jan De Vylder & Inge Vinck: ESALA Public Lecture

Jan De Vylder & Inge Vinck, Simpson Visiting Professors, speak in ESALA's Frictions Public Lecture Series.

From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 101 plays 0  

Anupama Kundoo | ESALA Frictions Lecture

Anupama Kundoo, ‘Freedom from the Known: Rethinking Materiality in the Age of Climate Change’Our built environment is the physical stage on which all human stories are lived out. This…

From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 105 plays 0  

Joseph Grima, 'Non-Extractive Architecture' | ESALA Frictions Lecture

Joseph Grima, 'Non-Extractive Architecture' | ESALA Frictions Lecture Abstract:Could architecture be understood as the practice of guardianship of the environment, both physical and social,…

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From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 66 plays 0  

Ursula Biemann, ‘Devenir Universidad’ | ESALA Frictions Lecture

Ursula Biemann, ‘Devenir Universidad’ | ESALA Frictions Lecture Abstract:The video projects of Ursula Biemann generally take a systemic approach to terrestrial conditions by connecting…

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From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 72 plays 0  

Daniel Barber, 'Architecture of the Aftermath' | ESALA Frictions Lecture

Architecture of the Aftermath Abstract: Looking at buildings and drawings from about 1930 to the present, from the Americas, West Africa, and around the world, I will outline a history of…

From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 153 plays 0  

Hannah le Roux, 'Fragments of Asbestos-Cement, 1940 to 2040' | ESALA Frictions Lecture

Fragments of asbestos-cement, 1940 to 2040 Abstract: Asbestos-cement products of the Swiss-Belgian Eternit group and British firm Turner and Newall were used to roof half of the low cost-housing…

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From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 101 plays 0  

Shahed Saleem: 'Can architecture be decolonised?' | ESALA Frictions Public Lecture 2021-22

'Can architecture be decolonised?' Abstract:What does it mean to decolonise architecture, where do we start to understand and undertake this process? In this lecture Shahed Saleem will…

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From  Richard Anderson 0 likes 64 plays 0