04:15duration 4 minutes 15 seconds
A3a. Extra resource_protein synthesis.mp4
Dr Rupsha Fraser
2. Extra resource_protein synthesis.mp4 (2022)
10:27duration 10 minutes 27 seconds
A3. Protein synthesis.mp4 (2022)
25:49duration 25 minutes 49 seconds
Intro to the endocrine system: function,…
Intro to the endocrine system: function, classification & synthesis
Dr Polly Hashmi
25:39duration 25 minutes 39 seconds
A2 Biomolecules: Proteins & Nucleotides
•Explain the structure and function of proteins •Explain the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids •Explain how proteins are synthesised •Explain…
11:24duration 11 minutes 24 seconds
A3. Protein synthesis__2021