Search for tag: "boyd"

EFP 41: Don Boyd on Aria (1987)

In this episode, host Dr Pasquale Iannone is joined by Don Boyd, a Scottish-born filmmaker with more than fifty years experience working in both Hollywood and the UK. As well as directing his own…

From  Pasquale Iannone 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Fiona Torzewska (Univeristy of Leeds) : Mapping class groupoids and motion groupoids (2nd session)

LMS YaMCATS Category Theory and its Applications Lecture Series, Session 2 Fiona Torzewska (Univeristy of Leeds) : Mapping class groupoids and motion groupoidsA topological phase of matter is a…

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 16 plays 0  

How to copy drafted text from one sandbox to another for a group editing assignment

This video demonstrates first how to copy drafted text from one Wikipedia sandbox (one editor's personal draft space) to another user's sandbox i.e. so that a page can be pieced together…

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 68 plays 0  

Sir Michael Boyd Lecture

Sir Michael Boyd lecture in 50 George Square

From  John Glendinning 1 likes 26 plays 0