Search for tag: "centre for dementia prevention"

Research During the Pandemic: Working Across 3 Nations - Managing Multiple Study Sites

Katie Wells, the National Coordinator for the…

From  Jo Merrifield 0 likes 16 plays 0  

3. Treatments for Neurodegenerative Disease

Treatments for Neurodegenerative DiseaseIn our…

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From  Robbie Bushe 0 likes 53 plays 0  

1. What is Neurodegenerative Disease? (part 1)

What is Neurodegenerative Disease? Part 1In our…

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From  Robbie Bushe 0 likes 216 plays 0  

Preventing Dementia: In their lifetime, Hilary Evans CEO ARUK

Preventing Dementia: Advice and Advances - a…

From  Anna Borthwick 0 likes 101 plays 0  

Preventing Dementia: How lifestyle choices may reduce your risk

Preventing Dementia: Advice and Advances - a…

From  Anna Borthwick 0 likes 156 plays 0  

Preventing Dementia: Current Priorities in Dementia Prevention Research

Preventing Dementia: Advice and Advances - a…

From  Anna Borthwick 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Preventing Dementia conference: Welcome and introduction

Preventing Dementia: Advice and Advances - a…

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From  Anna Borthwick 0 likes 41 plays 0