Search for tag: "collision"

LAGOON: Jeremy Brightbill (Santa Barbara, USA)

Subtitles will be added soon. 9 December Jeremy Brightbill (Santa Barbara, USA): Higher simple-minded systems in negative Calabi-Yau categories

From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Konrad Krystecki EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Konrad Krystecki Talk Title: Two-dimensional ruin for Brownian motions with drift dependant on initial…

From  Anna Munro 0 likes 10 plays 0  

REF2020: Jianwei Qiu- Factorized approach to radiative corrections for lepton-hadron semi-inclusive deep inelastic scatterings

REF2020: Jianwei Qiu- Factorized approach to radiative corrections for lepton-hadron semi-inclusive deep inelastic scatterings

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 3 plays 0  

REF2020: Jianwei Qiu- Factorized approach to radiative corrections for lepton-hadron semi-inclusive deep inelastic scatterings

REF2020: Jianwei Qiu- Factorized approach to radiative corrections for lepton-hadron semi-inclusive deep inelastic scatterings

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Higgs Centre Colloquium: Clare DOBBS 'Molecular cloud and star formation in spiral arms'

Speaker: Clare Dobbs (University of Exeter)Abstract: Molecular clouds are the densest regions of gas in galaxies, in which localised gravitational collapse leads to the formation…

From  Ines Foidl 0 likes 19 plays 0  

One World Virtual Seminar Series - Stochastic Numerics and Inverse Problems: Mireille Bossy (INRIA)

Mireille Bossy (INRIA) SDEs with boundaries, modelling particle dynamics in turbulent flow.

From  Jane Walker 0 likes 120 plays 0