Search for tag: "francis"

Sara Parvis - St Adomnan of Iona, Pope Benedict XV and Pope Francis: the Christian imperative of protecting the innocents

St Adomnan of Iona, Pope Benedict XV and Pope Francis: the Christian imperative of protecting the innocents.

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From  Matt Baines 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Turning a Crisis into a Drama: Becoming actors in response to climate change

Welcome to this special recording for COP26 and beyond, where we consider the power of drama, parable and liturgy to immerse us bodily in current reality, and give us vision for a way…

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From  Kasia Stoinska 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Lecture 3 Water Turbine Selection

David Williams describes water turbines and how to select them.

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From  Gareth Harrison 0 likes 250 plays 0