Search for tag: "church"

Book Launch: Pedro Feitoza’s Propagandists of the Book (OUP 2024)

On September 30, 2024, the Centre held a book launch for Pedro Feitoza’s first book, Propagandists of the Book, published in 2024 through Oxford University Press. Panelists included the author,…

From  Alex Chow 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Where did the accusations come from? | Professor Julian Goodare

An interview with Professor Julian Goodare at the University of Edinburgh on 19th September 2024.

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From  Ruby Imrie 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Book Launch: Andrew Walls’s The Missionary Movement from the West

On November 29, 2023, the Centre held a book launch for Andrew Walls’s posthumously authored book, The Missionary Movement from the West, published in 2023 through Eerdmans. Panelists included…

From  Alex Chow 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Wk 4 Prison Writing Archive

Discussion of the Prison Writing Archive and crime careers

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From  Angus Bancroft 0 likes 8 plays 0  

AI & Pastoral Care for Christian Churches - 'Proximate and Ultimate Concerns in Christian Ethical Responses to AI'

As part of the AI & Pastoral Care for Christian Churches conference, Professor Michael Burdett (Assistant Professor in Christian Theology, University of Nottingham) delivers a talk titled…

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From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 4 plays 0  

New Resources for Lectionary Year A: A CPD event for Ministers and Worship Leaders - Rev. Dr Nikki Macdonald

In this video Rev. Dr Nikki Macdonald (Minister, Upper Clyde Parish Church) speaks on the topic of 'Rigidly Constraining Liberty or useful tool? The lectionary as servant, not master' at…

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From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Rome Caput Mundi. Introductory video

Short course on "Rome 'Caput Mundi': Curia, Cardinals and Courtesans from 1300 to 1590" (2022-2023)[LLL1]…

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From  Lucinda Byatt 0 likes 21 plays

Leadership in a Time of Change: A CPD Event for Ministers - Rev Dr Neil Dougall

In this video Rev Dr Neil Dougall, minister of St Andrew Blackadder Parish Church, North Berwick, speaks at the event 'Leadership in a Time of Change: A CPD Event for Ministers' In this…

From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Leadership in a Time of Change: A CPD Event for Ministers - Rev Professor Will Willimon

In this video Rev Professor Will Willimon, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry, Duke Divinity School and author of Preachers Dare: Speaking for God, speaks at the event 'Leadership…

From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Leadership in a Time of Change: A CPD Event for Ministers - Rev Sheila Mitchell

In this video Rev Sheila Mitchell, minister of Echt and Midmar Parish Church, Presbytery of Gordon, speaks at the event 'Leadership in a Time of Change: A CPD Event for Ministers' In this…

From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 2 plays 0  

3.2.2 South Africa: Historical Injustice and Elandskloof

Historical Injustice and Elandskloof in South Africa.

From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 69 plays 0  

Sara Parvis - St Adomnan of Iona, Pope Benedict XV and Pope Francis: the Christian imperative of protecting the innocents

St Adomnan of Iona, Pope Benedict XV and Pope Francis: the Christian imperative of protecting the innocents.

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From  Matt Baines 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Fr Vasyl Kren - What can churches and people in Edinburgh do to help support the Ukrainian churches and Ukrainian refugees?

What can churches and people in Edinburgh do to help support the Ukrainian churches and Ukrainian refugees?

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From  Matt Baines 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Doctoral Podcast_Episode02

Welcome to this special recording for COP26 and beyond, where we consider the power of drama, parable and liturgy to immerse us bodily in current reality, and give us vision for a way forward.I am…

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From  Kasia Stoinska 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Ruth Padilla DeBorst: Fleeing the hot spots: Climate change, migration and mission

On November 16, 2021, Dr Ruth Padilla DeBorst delivered the Alexander Duff Lecture as part of COP26, entitled “Fleeing the hot spots: Climate change, migration and mission.” Her lecture…

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From  Alex Chow 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Anthony Clark: The Theatre of Conversion

On November 2, 2021, Professor Anthony Clark (Whitworth University) delivered a paper entitled “The Theatre of Conversion: Catholic Drama and the (Re)presentation of China,” speaking…

From  Alex Chow 0 likes 1 plays 0