Search for tag: "pope"

Sara Parvis - St Adomnan of Iona, Pope Benedict XV and Pope Francis: the Christian imperative of protecting the innocents

St Adomnan of Iona, Pope Benedict XV and Pope Francis: the Christian imperative of protecting the innocents.

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From  Matt Baines 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Anthony Clark: The Theatre of Conversion

On November 2, 2021, Professor Anthony Clark (Whitworth University) delivered a paper entitled “The Theatre of Conversion: Catholic Drama and the (Re)presentation of China,” speaking…

From  Alex Chow 0 likes 1 plays 0  

General Council | February 2011 | The Very Reverend Gilleasbuig Macmillan

Gilleasbuig Iain Macmillan, CVO, FRSE is a minister of the Church of Scotland. Since 1973 he has served as Minister of St Giles' Cathedral, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is Dean of the Thistle and…

From  Alison McNulty 0 likes 56 plays 0