Search for tag: "header"

Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word - part 4

A recording of the fourth and final demonstration of the Digital Skills & Training Team's "Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word" course. The…

From  Catherine Koppe 0 likes 48 plays 0  

Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word - part 3 (Windows)

A recording of the third demonstration of the Digital Skills & Training Team's "Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word" course. This demonstration, using Word 2021 for…

From  Catherine Koppe 0 likes 29 plays 0  

2.1.10 - Inserting a Feature box within a web page [EdWeb 2 OC]

In this short video, you'll learn how to add and edit a Feature box in EdWeb 2. This video accompanies the EdWeb 2: 5 things to get started with EdWeb 2 online course.

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 260 plays 0  

Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word - part 3 (Mac)

A recording of the third demonstration of the Digital Skills & Training Team's "Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word" course. This demonstration, using Word for Mac…

From  Catherine Koppe 0 likes 84 plays 0