Search for tag: "tab"

Creating contacts & enrolments in Eduframe (Eduframe Admin)

How to create enrolments, aka place orders in Eduframe Template csv

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From  Delia Georgescu 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Creating contacts & enrolments in Eduframe (Order role only)

How to create enrolments, aka place orders in Eduframe Template csv

+20 More
From  Delia Georgescu 0 likes 6 plays 0  

How to use the University of Edinburgh Events app

This short video will explain how to use the University of Edinburgh Events app to navigate everything on offer in Welcome Week.

+23 More
From  Lizzie Dunn 0 likes 1,717 plays 0  

SCP Canvas Inheriting Course Templates

This video shows how to set up a course template at sub-account level within Canvas. This action requires admin privileges.

+15 More
From  Kat Neumann 0 likes 11 plays 0  

IAWEL RMDA: Introduction to R Studio

This video is for the RMDA course on the IAWEL programme. It provides a basic overview of R Studio

+20 More
From  Jill MacKay 0 likes 40 plays 0  

How to access the Learner Portal and Online Learning Platform

Log into the Learner Portal > This short demonstration for learners on the Short Courses Platform shows you how to log into the Learner Portal and access the Online Learning Platform. You'll…

From  Lizzy Garner-Foy 0 likes 382 plays 0  

Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word - part 3 (Windows)

A recording of the third demonstration of the Digital Skills & Training Team's "Producing a thesis or dissertation using Word" course. This demonstration, using Word 2021 for…

From  Catherine Koppe 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Xerte Module 2 Unit 2.2 Creating a Xerte Project and overview of access levels

Xerte Module 2 Unit 2.2 Creating a Xerte Project and overview of access levels

+20 More
From  Alison Christie 0 likes 20 plays 0  

How to access order reports

Tutorial to search for order reports on Catalog

+21 More
From  Jacqueline Huynh 0 likes 2 plays 0  

How to... Make connections with Platform One (UG/PGT/PGR)

This session will introduce you to Platform One, the University's online community, and show you how you can use it to make connections and get advice from all kinds of people during your…

From  Lizzie Dunn 0 likes 71 plays 0  

Excel Further Functions

Excel Further Functions including subtotalling, linking worksheets, concatenation, removing duplicates, introduction to pivot tables

+21 More
From  Christina Hussell 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Alexa Privacy Settings (Part 6): Does my data have to be used for training Alexa?

Alexa Privacy Settings: Does my data have to be used for training Alexa?

From  Valentina Andries 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Alexa Privacy Settings (Part 5): What happens when you choose to delete data

Alexa Privacy Settings: What happens when you choose to delete data

From  Valentina Andries 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Alexa Privacy Settings (Part 2): Finding Alexa’s privacy settings and managing your voice history

Alexa Privacy Settings: Finding Alexa’s privacy settings and managing your voice history

From  Valentina Andries 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Introduction to Collaborate course recording (February 2023)

Recording of the presentation for the "Introduction to Collaborate" course bookable on People & Money (University login required).This course provides an introduction to Collaborate…

+21 More
From  Catherine Koppe 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Market research databases: introduction and access

The Library and Business School subscribe to databases which provide market research reports and industry profiles. Watch this video to find out the market research databases available, the content…

+21 More
From  Catherine Ure 0 likes 31 plays 0