Search for tag: "neutrinos"

Mysteries of Fundamental Physics

This talk was the first of the Leverhulme Lectures, for the Leverhulme Visiting Professorship scheme.In this century, progress in fundamental physics has been slow. The Large Hadron Collider…

From  Ami Andrews 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Higgs Centre Colloquium: Laura BAUDIS 'Elucidating the fundamental nature of neutrinos with double beta decay'

Speaker: Laura Baudis (Zurich) Abstract: Neutrinos are the only known elementary particles that are Majorana fermion candidates, implying that they would be their own antiparticles. The most…

From  Ines Foidl 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Heinrich Pas - Neutrinos at the Terascale

Neutrinos are the only hint for physics beyond the Standard Model. While the hierarchy problem, gauge coupling unification and dark matter give rise to hope for a direct discovery of new physics at…

From  Keith Brunton 0 likes 3 plays 0