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CL - 11e - CNF by KM (II)

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 207 plays 0  

CL - Lecture 4.i - Reduction 1

We use the rules to reduce a sequent to a conjunction of simpler sequents. In this example we find that the expression asserted by the sequent is a tautology — it is equivalent to the empty…

From  Claudia-Elena Chirita 0 likes 398 plays 0  

SEP team: Spotlight on. . .part two

In the second part of our spotlight on SEP team, members of the Service Excellence Programme (SEP) share their current activities and hopes for the University as a result of SEP.

From  Tim Gray 0 likes 131 plays 0  

Isabella Skea - writing the Wikipedia article on "The Lass o' Pairts"

Isabella Skea - writing the Wikipedia article on "The Lass o' Pairts" Timelapse demonstration of the process of drafting a new page and then publishing it on Wikipedia.

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 86 plays 0  

SEP team: Spotlight on. . .

Members from the Service Excellence Programme (SEP) share their current activities and hopes for the University as a result of SEP.

From  Tim Gray 0 likes 251 plays 0  



From  Nigel Goddard 1 likes 1,981 plays 0