Search for tag: "graduate school"

Wellbeing and Scientific Excellence (24th Nov 2020): Questions

How can we reach our scientific goals while leading a joyful life? What can we learn from sport psychology and competitive athletics about endurance in academia? About dealing with rejection and…

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From  Mary Cryan 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Wellbeing and Scientific Excellence (24th Nov 2020): Tobias

How can we reach our scientific goals while leading a joyful life? What can we learn from sport psychology and competitive athletics about endurance in academia? About dealing with rejection and…

+11 More
From  Mary Cryan 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Wellbeing and Scientific Excellence (24th Nov 2020): Anne

How can we reach our scientific goals while leading a joyful life? What can we learn from sport psychology and competitive athletics about endurance in academia? About dealing with rejection and…

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From  Mary Cryan 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Wellbeing and Scientific Excellence (24th Nov 2020): Peggy

How can we reach our scientific goals while leading a joyful life? What can we learn from sport psychology and competitive athletics about endurance in academia? About dealing with rejection and…

+11 More
From  Mary Cryan 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Wellbeing and Scientific Excellence (24th Nov 2020): Intro

How can we reach our scientific goals while leading a joyful life? What can we learn from sport psychology and competitive athletics about endurance in academia? About dealing with rejection and…

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From  Mary Cryan 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Postgraduate Information Session - 3rd July 2019

This interactive online session was for all prospective postgraduate students interested in joining us in September 2019. The information session was hosted by Dr David Kaufman, Deputy Postgraduate…

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From  Michael O'Reilly 0 likes 56 plays 0  

An introduction to MSc Classics

This short video gives you an introduction to our MSc Classics programme from Dr Aaron Pelttari

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From  Michael O'Reilly 0 likes 1,200 plays 0  

A month in the life of a postgraduate student

See what life can be like as a postgraduate student at University of Edinburgh's School of History, Classics and Archaeology. One of our students created this video using the SE1 app…

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From  Michael O'Reilly 0 likes 294 plays 0  

Why take part in the Three Minute Thesis

Students and staff talk about the benefits in taking part in the three minute thesis competition.

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From  Africa Reboto-Lopez 0 likes 51 plays 0  

What our Biomedical Sciences graduates wish they had known

Some of our 2017 Biomedical Sciences graduates talk about what they wish they had known.

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From  Mabon Elis 0 likes 25 plays 0  

MSc Electronics Burns Supper - Toasting the haggis!

This video compliments the full Engineering Graduate School blog post available here:

From  Billy Rosendale 0 likes 17 plays 0  

An Introduction to online learning degrees at The University of Edinburgh

An introduction to postgraduate level online learning at the University. Find out more about how our flexible part-time online degrees work, and how it can fit around your personal and…

From  Stuart Brett 11 likes 9,260 plays 0  

Graduate School at The School of Divinity

Promotional video for the Graduate School at The School of Divinity

From  Louisa Grotrian 0 likes 37 plays 0