Search for tag: "online distance learning"

Online degree students at Graduation: why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

There's no need to come to Edinburgh when you're an online student, but many online students choose to attend their graduation ceremony and take a short break in Scotland's capital…

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From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 988 plays 0  

Online learning: using the library resources

Four online students talk about accessing the University's online library resources. It's not difficult and you can even connect your Google Scholar search to the University library…

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From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 1 likes 482 plays 0  

Master of Public Health online: Victor Tumukunde - student testimonial

Victor from Uganda is studying the Master of Public Health online while working as a paediatrician. Join our online community:

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From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 357 plays 0  

Global Health and Infectious Diseases online masters: Agnita Narendra - student testimonial

Agnita from India studies the online MSc in Global Health and Infectious Diseases while working, and finds that studying part-time while working perfectly complements her work in the public health…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 148 plays 0  

Clinical Education online masters: Antonia Kamate Tukundane - student testimonial

Antonia, a nursing officer in Uganda, finds that studying online helps increase her exposure to the way other people think, and the way they do things at work. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 356 plays 0  

One Health online masters: Kelvin Momanyi - graduate testimonial

A masters degree in One Health helped Kelvin get the job he wanted, opening up opportunities for him in his career. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 255 plays 0  

Conservation Medicine online masters: Caroline Asiimwe - graduate testimonial

Caroline is able to implement what she learnt during her online Masters in her daily work at Budongo Conservation Field Centre in Uganda. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 166 plays 0  

Global Health and Infectious Diseases online masters: Benedict Okoe Quao - student testimonial

Benedict from Ghana studies the online MSc in Global Health and Infectious Diseases to complement his medical career. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 138 plays 0  

Conservation Medicine online masters: Laura Wessman - student testimonial

Laura, from Finland, lives in Kenya and studies the online MVetSci in Conservation Medicine. Join our online community:

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 181 plays 0  

Master of Public Health online: Ludoviko Zirimenya - student testimonial

Ludoviko from Uganda has found that studying online gave him an opportunity to be able to study at the same time while working as a medical doctor. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 355 plays 0  

Global Health and Infectious Diseases online masters: Christiane Takeda - student testimonial

Christiane from Brazil is studying the online Masters in Global Health and Infectious Diseases and finds the website interface and library resources easy to use. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 109 plays 0  

Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health online masters: Anthony Adeea Mba - student testimonial

Anthony from Ghana studies part-time while working as a research assistant with Mampam Conservation. Join our online community:…

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From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 1,501 plays 0  

Global Health and Infectious Diseases online masters: Doreen Nanyunja - graduate testimonial

Doreen, a doctor from Uganda, has gone on to further study after graduating from our online Masters in Global Health and Infectious Diseases. She has found she is able to apply the research methods…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 162 plays 0  

International Animal Health online masters: Keneth Iceland - student testimonial

Keneth, a vet in Uganda, studies International Animal Health online while working, and has some great advice on working ahead of UK time to ensure he meets the assignment deadlines. Join our online…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 131 plays 0  

One Health online masters: Jennifer Fearon - student testimonial

Jennifer is a vet from Ireland who is now living in Africa. Studying online is ideal for her because she has to manage both work life and family life. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 185 plays 0  

Conservation Medicine online masters: Ruth Omani - student testimonial

Ruth talks about how studying Conservation Medicine online whilst working as a vet in Kenya. Join our online community:…

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From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 222 plays 0