Search for tag: "heart attack"

Ward 123 - Being the FY Doctor on the ward

This pre-recorded session was created and delivered by University of Edinburgh Medical Students: • Simran Piya (Class of 2022) • Yige Zhang (Class of 2022) • Shin Thong Low…

From  Ryan Hamilton 0 likes 97 plays 0  

Life After Cardiac Arrest - Promo

This resource is from the Life After Cardiac Arrest website - This website provides support and information for those who have experienced an out of hospital…

From  Stuart Brett 1 likes 15 plays 0  

PTSD: What to do

In this film, Gill tells us what to do if someone has PTSD. She stresses that it is normal to be upset after an event, and that we need time to process what has happened. PTSD happens when this…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 7 plays 0  

How to recognise PTSD

The warning signs that someone may be suffering from PTSD are presented in this film. These include changes in behaviour, such as the person becoming irritable, jumpy or being unable to sleep. They…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Who gets PTSD?

This film looks at who can get PTSD. The answer to this question is anybody who has been in a situation where they were exposed to threat or danger and where they thought they might die. Most people…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 5 plays 0  

What is PTSD?

In this film, Gill describes the various reactions that can lead to PTSD. PTSD is where a person re-lives the traumatic experience, causing bad memories to come flooding back. One of the reactions…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Lynne's advice

In this short film, Lynne shares her advice for those who might find themselves going through the same experience. She regrets not asking more questions at the time, to help her understand why her…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 3 plays 0  

After Lynne's father died

Lynne finds it difficult to express in words what it felt like when her father died. The family gathered at the flat and Lynne got a lot of support from her husband. She describes this time as being…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Lynne's story

In this film, Lynne talks about what happened when her father had an OHCA and died. He had recently been in hospital and had undergone some tests on his heart but Lynne did not know what these were…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Keith's advice

Since his OHCA Keith’s motto has become ‘live life to the full without going to any excess’. He now recognises the importance of listening to his body and realises there are…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Keith: From hospital to home

In this film, Keith and Katie reflect on what it was like when Keith came home from hospital. Keith felt very safe in hospital and worried about having another OHCA once home. He did suffer from…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Keith's time in hospital

Keith and Katie discuss the period when Keith was in hospital. Keith spent several days in an intensive care unit, followed by time in a high dependency unit and a cardiac ward before being…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Keith and Katie's story

In this film, Keith and Katie talk about what happened when Keith has his OHCA. Keith had spent a normal day, spending time with his elderly father, before collapsing at home. He has no memory of…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 14 plays 0  

The impact on Andrew

In this film, Andrew tells us about the impact that his father’s death had on his own health. He became very anxious, particularly when in bed at night, as that is when his father had his OHCA.…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Andrew's sources of support

Andrew talks about the lack of formal support and advice the family received following his father’s death. He feels it would have been helpful to have been told about the different options that…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Andrew's father dies

Andrew reflects on what it was like when his father died. Due to his serious condition, Andrew’s father was put on a life support machine in the intensive care unit. His condition did not…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 5 plays 0