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Blackboard Learn: Using the Groups tool to manage pathway sign-ups 2/

This video looks at the pre-formatted CSV file you can customise to create the groups/pathways within a Group Set

From  Rose Day 0 likes 8 plays 0  


Mechanical Engineering Discipline Course: Sustainable Energy Design Project 3 Lecture: Bearings

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From  Parvez Alam 0 likes 194 plays 0  

Lecture 3 Group 2

Recording of Lecture 3, group 2.

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From  Wasiu Popoola 0 likes 361 plays 0  

RSiPG Welcome Video

This is a short welcome video for the 2nd year BSc Geography students taking Research Skills in Physical Geography. It outlines the course and the changes we have had to make. Please also read the…

From  Anthony Newton 0 likes 34 plays 0