Search for tag: "sudoku"

CL - 13d - Black holes and DFA

We begin with a short discussion of the history and some applications of FSM. We then introduce Deterministic Finit-state Automata (DFA), and the use of the black hole convention when presenting…

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 315 plays 0  

CL - 9b - Sudoku III

Sudoku is just a game, but it a good, accessible example of a type of problem that of great practical significance. Here we discuss the Sudoku problem within this wider context.

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 263 plays 0  

CL - 8d - Sudoku II

In this video we translate this code for checking a solution described by a function s :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool into an expression in our language of Forms.This form uses 729…

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 364 plays 0  

CL - 8c - Sudoku

First we see how to express the rules of Sudoku in Haskell. Given a total function s :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool that represents the way a sudoku puzzle is filled in by saying that s i j k…

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 382 plays 0  

CL - 6f - CNF I

This video shows how blocks of zeros, which correspond to disjund=ctions of literals, lead us to conjunctive normal form (CNF) which we met earlier as the output of our reduction procedure. CNF is in…

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 470 plays 0