Search for tag: "chip"

QCTiP24 Day 2.3 - J.Fuksa v2

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From  Ramin Jafarzadegan 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Inaugural Lecture of Prof Robert K Henderson, Chair of Electronic Imaging

Imaging Time: Cameras for the Fourth Dimension Time is often considered as the fourth dimension, along with the length, width and depth that form the fabric of space-time. Conventional cameras…

From  Billy Rosendale 0 likes 71 plays 0  

The case of the defective biscuits

The case of the defective biscuits. A court case featuring the biscuit monster. Story and script by Glenna Nightingale Film, puppets and voiceover by Emily Beaney

+22 More
From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 102 plays 0  

Practical Strategies for Teaching about Wicked Problems - 1

The first of three videos from a workshop on Teaching about Wicked Problems

From  Velda McCune 0 likes 166 plays 0  

Data storyboarding: confidence intervals version 1

Data storyboarding: confidence intervals By Glenna Nightingale and Jacqueline Aim. Copyright © University of Edinburgh 2020 CC BY-NC-SA This work is licensed under a Creative Commons…

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From  Jacqueline Aim 0 likes 89 plays 0  

CL - 9b - Sudoku III

Sudoku is just a game, but it a good, accessible example of a type of problem that of great practical significance. Here we discuss the Sudoku problem within this wider context.

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 264 plays 0  

1.3 Importance of Semiconductors and Microelectronics

This video covers what microelectronics are, the semiconductor industry, history of the transistor, Moore's law and beyond.

From  James John Murray 2 likes 330 plays 0  

5a - DPUs

Lecture 5a - DPUs by Prof Ian Underwood

From  Lesley Gibson 0 likes 107 plays 0  

4a - Defects and Yields

Lecture 4a - Defects and Yields by Prof Ian Underwood

From  Lesley Gibson 0 likes 101 plays 0  

1b - Phases of the Product Development Cycle

Lecture 1b - Phases of the Product Development Cycle by Prof Ian Underwood

From  Lesley Gibson 0 likes 94 plays 0