Search for tag: "voters"

Local Perceptions and Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa

Local Perceptions and Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa

From  Marie Storrar 0 likes 33 plays 0  

IDS - Week 03 - 06 - Tidying data

We have data organised in an unideal way for our analysis and we want to reorganise the data to carry on with our analysis using tidyr functions

From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 88 plays 0  

The Making of the US President - A short history in five elections - A journalist’s perspective - Jon Kelly on the making of the US President in 2008

This project was created by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh.

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 48 plays