Search for tag: "financial services"

Mathematical Finance MSc programmes-Industrial Projects

Hear from MSc students about their dissertation work with industrial partners, as part of the Mathematical Finance MSc at the University of Edinburgh.

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From  Davey Fitch 0 likes 1,253 plays 0  

Mathematical Finance MSc programmes-according to our students

Hear from MSc students about their experience studying Mathematical Finance at the University of Edinburgh.

From  Davey Fitch 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block5 v3: Interview with Panu Kalmi

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

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From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block5 v4: Demutualisation

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

+63 More
From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block5 V1

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

+47 More
From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 19 plays 0