Search for tag: "reliability"

'Cognitive biases in hallucinations - Inconsistent findings and suboptimal measurement practices', Dr David Smailes

Several cognitive biases are thought to play a role in the development of hallucinations. Biases in source monitoring (where participants must determine whether stimuli were internal and/or…

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From  Bethany Anderson 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI: John Ravenscroft: Part 1

Lotfi Merabet takes the interviewer's seat and quizzes our usual host Prof John Ravenscroft. Here I talk about validity, reliability and my usual notes about the nature of representation

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From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 43 plays 0  

6a - Reliability

Lecture 6a - Reliability by Prof Ian Underwood

From  Lesley Gibson 0 likes 67 plays 0