Search for tag: "degradation"

B9. Tissue regeneration & repair (2022)

Dr Rupsha Fraser

From  Rupsha Fraser 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Eduard Feireisl - Friday 12 November

08 Nov- 12 Nov 2021ICMS hosted the Convex Integration and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations workshopOn strong continuity of weak solutions to the compressible Euler equations Eduard Feireisl…

From  Simon Kershaw 0 likes 37 plays 0  

B9. Tissue regeneration & repair_2021

Dr Rupsha Fraser

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From  Rupsha Fraser 0 likes 32 plays 0  

UK-APASI in Mathematical Sciences: Dumitru Trucu

Subtitles will be added soon. Dumitru Trucu, Multiscale Moving Boundary Modelling of Cancer Invasion within Fibrous Environments: Part I and Part II

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Imm3_Bacteria_pt2_bacterial cell walls and recognition

Part 2 of the bacterial lecture for the 2020 Imm3 course. This part briefly covers the role of the bacterial cell wall in determine which effector mechanisms are protective, and how bacteria are…

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From  Matthew Taylor 0 likes 210 plays 0  

Biochemistry of the Extracellular Matrix (2)

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From  David Apps 0 likes 379 plays 0  

Porous paving pt2 - maintenance issues

Porous paving pt2 - maintenance issues 31 August 2020 Filmed by Neil Stuart. Edited by Eduardo Serafin Kate Heal, Professor of Catchment Geochemistry, School of GeosciencesUniversity of…

From  Eduardo Serafin 0 likes 45 plays 0