Search for tag: "identifiability"

Making iPSCs ‘FFAIR’ - Rachel Steeg

FAIR principles as applied to data are now well recognised as a pillar good science, but what about their application to cells? Since 2007, the use and broad adoption of induced pluripotent stem…

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From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 9 plays 0  

7 May 2021 - Mitchel Colebank (North Carolina State University) - On the effects of vascular network size for hemodynamic parameter inference

7 May 2021 Mitchel Colebank (North Carolina State University) - On the effects of vascular network size for hemodynamic parameter inferenceComputational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is an emerging…

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 31 plays 0  

23 April 2021: Theodore Papamarkou - Challenges in Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian neural networks

23 April 2021Theodore Papamarkou - Challenges in Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian neural networksMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods have not been broadly adopted in Bayesian neural networks…

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 73 plays 0  

BMC BAMC 2021 Heather A Harrington

6-9 April 2021, BMC BAMC 2021 This is the BMC morning talk by Heather A Harrington (University of Oxford) Titled: Algebraic Systems Biology This recording is subtitled. If you wish to remove the…

From  Jane Walker 0 likes 37 plays 0  

UK-APASI in Mathematical Sciences: Stephanie Portet

Subtitles will be added shortly. Stephanie Portet, University of Manitoba Basic modelling concepts (Part II)

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 9 plays 0