Search for tag: "open research"

From compliance to culture: How can we address the barriers that are preventing a culture of Open Research in relation to Open Monographs? - Tom Morley

With the introduction of UKRIs new policy on the 1st of January 2024 and the possibility of Open Access Monographs being mandated by REF2029, there is an increasing focus within the scholarly…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Fostering training of research staff through Replicating Open Science Hardware MRI: A Southeast Asian Initiative - Tapas Kumar Mohanty

The Replicating Open Hardware Pulse Oximeter project in India, embodies the principles of open science and open hardware, aiming to address the scarcity of affordable scientific equipment hindering…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Making iPSCs ‘FFAIR’ - Rachel Steeg

FAIR principles as applied to data are now well recognised as a pillar good science, but what about their application to cells? Since 2007, the use and broad adoption of induced pluripotent stem…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Nurturing responsible data practices in creative industries R&D through applied ethics and open research practices - Nicola Osborne

Creative Informatics (2018-24) is a major £10m research project providing funding and support to enable individuals and organisations in the creative and cultural industries to explore how data…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 5 plays 0  

See one, do one, teach one: Teaching Open Research Skills for Data-Driven Innovation in Health and Social Care - Kasia Banas (Speaker)

With Brittany Blankinship, Sophie Marion de Proce, John Wilson As the Data-Driven Innovation Talent Team, we teach data and research skills to undergraduate, postgraduate and continuous…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Humanities researchers’ perspectives towards scholarly communication practices - Dominic Hewett

To change research culture for the better, we need to understand researchers. Existing studies of the scholarly communication landscape in the humanities, especially in relation to open access, have…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Lessons from Open Science across European Universities: policies, practices, and future directions - William Cawthorn

Open Science, which encompasses all scholarly disciplines, is increasingly recognised as a core feature of academic practice: it has the potential to improve the accessibility and integrity of…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Stealing the Master's Tools - Sohail Jannesari (Speaker), Ricardo Twumasi, Clare Camp, Ruth Murphy

In an attempt to disrupt traditional paradigms of academic publishing, a decolonial initiative was forged between a group of health inequalities researchers. We began ‘Stolen Tools’, a…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 5 plays 0  

From practice to policy: how open research is changing research culture in cultural heritage - Jill Dye, Andrea Cop

The role of the museum (to preserve, interpret and make accessible collections and heritage) means that open access, in the broadest sense, has always been part of our purpose. Organisational…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Open Research & Research Cultures at Edinburgh - Alex Peden

Research cultures are built and maintained by the actions, interactions, behaviours and processes that we all encounter and perform while undertaking or supporting research. These cultures are felt…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Using CRediT to promote responsible research - Nik Tahirah Nik Hussin & Veronica Cano

Research culture is a complex concept, which includes the way we evaluate, support and reward quality in research and how we recognise varied contributions to a research activity. In 2023, the…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Slow but steady: data management training for students a key to research culture change, especially for humanities - Haley Eckel

"In June of 2022, the University of St Andrews implemented a new data management plan (DMP) requirement. Each PhD student would be required to submit a DMP at their first annual review, and…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Using open research practises to celebrate Team Science - A technician's viewpoint - Lee Murphy

Open research practices are most often framed from an academic perspective. This talk will provide a viewpoint from a technician working within a core facility. It will reflect on some of the…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 15 plays 0  

EORC 2024 Plenary Panel: Enacting Research Culture Change

Join our four experts in research cultures as they consider the core question of the conference: how do we drive healthy and sustained culture change, and how does this apply in the case of Open…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Preprints mean peer review can be reimagined as it should always have been - Stuart King

"Peer review, a cornerstone of scholarly communications, is often acknowledged as a vital yet flawed process in academia. Among its well-known limitations—sluggishness, wastefulness,…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Who gets credit? Fair attribution and publishing for technicians at the University of Cambridge - Lucy Woolhouse (Speaker), Frankie Marsh

"Technicians have long been an underserved community within research, with limited opportunities for career development and a lack of acknowledgement for the vital role they play. The…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 6 plays 0