03:52duration 3 minutes 52 seconds
A2a. Extra resource_DNA replication.mp4
Dr Rupsha Fraser
1. Extra resource_DNA replication.mp4 (2022)
02:30duration 2 minutes 30 seconds
Intersectionality in Practice - Research by Dr.…
Intersectionality in Practice - Research by Dr. Ashlee Christoffersen
Animation by Mary Martins http://www.marymartins.com/
01:04:32duration 1 hour 4 minutes
16 September Nicolle Gonzalez A skein theoretic…
16 September Nicolle Gonzalez A skein theoretic Carlsson-Mellit algebra
ICMS RepNet An automated programme is used to generate the subtitles on the talks. You can remove the subtitles by pressing CC on the bottom toolbar.
03:30duration 3 minutes 30 seconds
DNA and Sequencing