Search for tag: "albums"

Developing new speech signal processing algorithms for biomedical and life sciences applications: principles, findings, challenges, and a view to the future

Speaker: Thanasis Tsanas, Usher Institute Abstract: Biomedical speech signal analysis has been gaining increasing momentum in the last 10-15 years. In this talk, I will focus on the key…

From  Isabelle Hanlon 0 likes 18 plays 0  

#YaleEdin2021 Resource Session

This video discusses scholarly resources available for the study of World Christianity and Mission History. It is part of a series of videos prepared in advance of the 2021 Yale-Edinburgh Group…

From  Alex Chow 0 likes 35 plays

EdSign | Gary Morgan "Variations in early exposure to language: consequences for phonology and working memory"

Gary Morgan "Variations in early exposure to language: consequences for phonology and working memory" Gary Morgan is Professor of Psychology at City University, London. Here is his…

From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 261 plays 0