Search for tag: "cybernetics"

BHoM 2022 - Ejay Nsugbe

Wednesday 05 October 2022 Black Heroes of Mathematics Conference 2022 Ejay Nsugbe, Nsugbe Research Labs - On Prediction Machines & Clinical Medicine: Case Studies from a Black Cyberneticist and…

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From  Greg McCracken 1 likes 27 plays 0  



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From  Jamie Davies 0 likes 887 plays



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From  Jamie Davies 0 likes 884 plays

MBChB1 Homeostasis Lec4b (Captioned)

Lecture 4b of Jamie Davies' series on homeostasis, MBChB year, 1 semester 1, week 2. This is a captioned version for people with hearing difficulties. It is recommended that people who can…

From  Jamie Davies 0 likes 391 plays

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How do we believe_

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How do we believe

From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Prof Agustin Fuentes - What makes us human_

Prof Agustin Fuentes - What makes us human

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From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 126 plays 0  

Climate Crisis Event

Climate Crisis Panel Event

From  Alison Newell 0 likes 56 plays 0  

Professor Geoff Simm: Inaugural lecture: Thought for Food - Food for Thought?

Inaugural lecture by Professor Geoff Simm, Professor of Global Agriculture and Food SecurityRecorded 3/12/2018 at the Roslin Auditorium. Abstract:Feeding the world's growing population well -…

From  Peter Crooks 0 likes 300 plays 0  

Prof Gillingwater Inaugural Lecture Oct 2018

Recording of inaugural lecture Monday 29 October 2018. Professor Tom Gillingwater "Diary of a 21st century anatomist: standing on the shoulders of giants"

From  Nicholas Kelly 0 likes 404 plays 0  

EdSign | Gary Morgan "Variations in early exposure to language: consequences for phonology and working memory"

Gary Morgan "Variations in early exposure to language: consequences for phonology and working memory" Gary Morgan is Professor of Psychology at City University, London. Here is his…

From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 262 plays 0  

One Health online masters: Kelvin Momanyi - graduate testimonial

A masters degree in One Health helped Kelvin get the job he wanted, opening up opportunities for him in his career. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 255 plays 0  

Dr Torgny Roxå

Strong and weak ties – changing teaching cultures in higher education in programme Torgny Roxå Lund University, Sweden Learning & Teaching Conference 2018

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 163 plays 0  

Learning Technology Showcase March 2018, Part 2

Lecture Technology Showcase (run by the Learning Teaching and Web division of Information Services, University of Edinburgh) of 29th March 2018 on the subject of lecture recording. Part 2. Speakers:…

From  Brendan Hill 0 likes 84 plays 0  

Learning Technology Showcase March 2018, Part 1

Lecture Technology Showcase (run by the Learning Teaching and Web division of Information Services, University of Edinburgh) of 29th March 2018 on the subject of lecture recording. Part 1. Speakers:…

+124 More
From  Brendan Hill 0 likes 150 plays 0  

Irmeli Halinen | How Finland Reformed It's Curriculum : Quality Education And A Sustainable Future

Irmeli Halinen | How Finland Reformed It's Curriculum : Quality Education And A Sustainable Future

From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 430 plays 0  

Kathabhidhana - an open toolkit for anyone to record their language in a human and machine readable form.

Kathabhidhana is an open toolkit for anyone to record their language in a human and machine readable form. It is a collection of open source tools, educational material, and open sample datasets.…

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 62 plays 0