Search for tag: "factories"

The Tanzania dairy processing industry

The Tanzania dairy processing industry - Prof. Fortunata Songora Makene

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From  Clare de Mowbray 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Week 3 Lecture 2 Part 2: Refugee regimes and refugee economies (im)mobility and opportunity among the forcibly displaced

Week 3 Lecture 2 Part 2: Refugee regimes and refugee economies (im)mobility and opportunity among the forcibly displaced

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From  Andreas Hackl 0 likes 331 plays 0  

Instrument Making

Instruments are beautiful objects that help us to understand our history; they tell stories of technologies and musical trends. Yet, behind every instrument there is a person – the instrument…

From  Calum Macphail 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block1 v2

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

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From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 5 plays 0