Search for tag: "employment"

What Rights Do Workers Have to Challenge AI in the Workplace

This video was created as part of the Living with AI course by the Scottish AI Alliance. In the video, Jen Ang discusses the rights workers have to challenge the use of AI in the workplace, outlining…

From  Maggie Dziezyc 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Finding Graduate Employment

Top tips on where to look for graduate level employment, including speculative approaches

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From  Jillian Bain 0 likes 27 plays 0  

SACHA '23 - Rowan Alba: Group 2 Proposal

On 27 April 2023, four #EdChangeAgent​ teams presented their final proposals to their host organisation, Rowan Alba. Each team screened a short video capturing their proposal for the challenge:…

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From  Aidan Tracey 0 likes 23 plays 0  

What can we learn in Scotland from examining the COVID recovery strategies of comparator countries?

COVID recovery strategies

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From  Ruth McQuillan 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Enhancing Student Learning And Employability With Jisc’s Discovery Tool

What is the current position of digital capability in higher education and society as a whole? What digital skills do employers expect of graduates? What skills do graduates actually have? How do…

From  Andy Todd 0 likes 20 plays 0  

The Inaugural Lecture of Professor David Cabrelli

The Inaugural Lecture of Professor David Cabrelli took place at the University of Edinburgh on 27 April 2022. The title of the lecture was "The Law Governing the Employment Relationship: Quo…

+21 More
From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 85 plays 0  

Finding Part Time Work

Animation detailing ways of finding part-time work as a student.

From  Sara Tsompanidi 0 likes 111 plays 0  

IDAH Week 7, Lecture 1 Part 3: Leapfrogging out of poverty? The digital economy in international development

IDAH Week 7, Lecture 1 Part 3: Leapfrogging out of poverty? The digital economy in international development

From  Andreas Hackl 0 likes 225 plays 0  

Legal for 40 Years: A snapshot from someone who was there

In Scotland, the legalisation of homosexual activities came into effect on the 1st Feb 1981. Terry Munyard was instrumental in this change. Join us on that historic day to talk to someone who…

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From  Robbie Court 0 likes 58 plays 0  

Week 3 Lecture 2 Part 2: Refugee regimes and refugee economies (im)mobility and opportunity among the forcibly displaced

Week 3 Lecture 2 Part 2: Refugee regimes and refugee economies (im)mobility and opportunity among the forcibly displaced

+18 More
From  Andreas Hackl 0 likes 331 plays 0  


John Kitchen plays Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Polonaise in D minor.

From  Calum Macphail 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Reflecting for Employability

Reflecting for Employability. This recording was updated in March 2022.

From  Sara Tsompanidi 0 likes 1,542 plays 0  

Careers Compass: Discover what's out there

Careers Compass: Discovering what's out there (0:36) Updated with a new recording in Dec 2021.

+13 More
From  Sara Tsompanidi 0 likes 294 plays 0  

Careers Compass

Careers Compass (3:48) Recording updated with new version in December 2021 For more information about the Careers Compass, visit:

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From  Thomas Robinson 0 likes 650 plays 0  

Building blocks of UK Copyright

This video explains what copyright means, what it protects, how long that protection lasts in the UK, and how it protects the rights of creators

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From  Charlie Farley 1 likes 86 plays 0  

LTC_ConnellyMurray presentation

Learning and Teaching Conference - video for poster presentation. Academic support: Ensuring equality and inclusivity for all studentsDr Louise Connelly and Dr Donna Murray

From  Louise Connelly 0 likes 48 plays 0