Search for tag: "sine"

Exercise sheet PDE 1: Question 1 worked example

Worked example showing the application of the separated solution and the d'Alembert methods to the 1D wave equation

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Exercise sheet Fourier series 1: Question 1a worked example

Worked example showing the calculation of the Fourier series of a periodic function

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Waves in Complex Continua (Wavinar) - C. J. Chapman

Subtitles can be turned off by clicking CC. C. J. Chapman (University of Keele) The finite product method in approximation theory, and some applications

From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 18 plays 0  


Distortion , Signals and Signal Processing

From  Alan Murray 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Describing signals - audio example

Describing signals - audio example

From  Alan Murray 0 likes 86 plays 0  

Getting information from messy signals - Signal Processing

Getting information from messy signals - Signal Processing

From  Alan Murray 0 likes 117 plays 0  

Topic 27: Example of Plotting the Spectrum of a Periodic Signal (SNADA, Chapter 5)

This Topic considers how to plot the Spectrum of a periodic signal, by plotting the complex Fourier coefficient against frequency of the corresponding complex phasor. This Topic considers a very…

From  James Hopgood 1 likes 541 plays 0  

Elliptic PDE Analytical methods Example 5: Cylindrical coordinates

Step by step example solving the Laplace equation on a circle where the upper half of the circle is held at a high temperature while the lower half is held at a low temperature.

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 853 plays 0  

Elliptic PDE Analytical methods Example 4: Poisson's equation

Example video for Poisson's equation

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 471 plays 0  

Elliptic PDE Analytical methods Part 6: Poissons equation

This video introduces Poisson's equation which is the Laplace equation with a non-zero right hand side.

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 443 plays 0  

Topic 23: Complex Phasors and their Application to Fourier Analysis (SNADA, Chapter 5)

This Topic motivates the reasons for developing the complex Fourier series, with the aim of working towards the generalisation of spectral analysis methods with Fourier transforms. The Topic then…

From  James Hopgood 0 likes 425 plays 0  

Elliptic PDE Analytical methods Example 3: Separated solution with Fourier series

This video show how we can use the method of separation of variables together with the Fourier series to find the solution of the Laplace equation. A brief recap of the Fourier series is given at the…

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 699 plays 0  

Fourier series Week 2 Part 1: Even and odd functions

This video discusses even and odd functions and how this can be used to simplify the calculation of the Fourier series coefficients.

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 1,101 plays 0  

Fourier series Week 1 Part 5: Prove the Fourier coefficients

This video uses the orthogonality of the trigonometric functions to derive and prove the Fourier series coefficients.

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 940 plays 0  

Fourier series Week 1 Part 4: Orthogonality

This video discusses the orthogonality of the trigonometric functions.

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 974 plays 0  

Topic 32: Generating Gaussian Samples (PETARS, Chapter 5)

In this video, the probability transformation rule is used to show that the Box-Muller transformation can convert two uniform random variables into two independent Gaussian random variables.…

From  James Hopgood 0 likes 172 plays 0