Search for tag: "metal"

Dominic Westwood - Who Scratched my Mirror?

The presentation by Dominic Westwood who is working with Dr Carolyn Atkins and Dr Sam Tammas-Wiliams Awarded: Highly commended Summer 2024 Cohort

From  Stephanie Martin 0 likes 8 plays 0  

3MT Final 2024 - Isolde Marsland

University of Edinburgh Three Minute Thesis Competition Final 2024 Finalist - Isolde Marsland School - School of Chemistry Presentation - Bact-eries: Using microbes to close the loop of battery…

+21 More
From  Louise McKay 0 likes 33 plays 0  

CIO update video 12th November 2021

CIO update video 12th November 2021

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From  Gavin McLachlan 1 likes 239 plays 0  


Jane Atkins plays Georg Philip Telemann, Fantasie No.1, Largo and Allegro.

From  Calum Macphail 0 likes 60 plays 0  


John Kitchen plays Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Polonaise in D minor.

From  Calum Macphail 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Guillotine Introduction

Introduction to the Guillotine, a staff only machine.

From  Rachel Travers 0 likes 196 plays 0  


Find out about the materials used to make musical instruments and what can we learn from them.

From  Calum Macphail 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Metal Detection and Metal Characterisation Research at Manchester: New Innovations on an Established Technology - Michael O'Toole

Mathematics for Detecting, Locating and Characterising Metal Objects Michael O'Toole, University of Manchester - Metal Detection and Metal Characterisation Research at Manchester: New…

+26 More
From  Jane Walker 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Jewellery and Silversmithing-1

Recording of live offer holder session 2021

From  Colin McLean 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Type Bites: Leading

Type Bites is a series of short films introducing some of the practicalities of letterpress printing and the facilities we have available at Edinburgh College of Art. This one looks at Leading, the…

+12 More
From  Gen Harrison 1 likes 19 plays

Elliptic PDE Analytical methods Part 6: Poissons equation

This video introduces Poisson's equation which is the Laplace equation with a non-zero right hand side.

+23 More
From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 454 plays 0  

MLP Advanced NN Tutorial 06 - Meta-Learning

Machine Learning Practical advanced tutorial (optional) - Session 6 (Week 12).

From  Pavlos Andreadis 1 likes 42 plays 0  

The immune system: introduction & overview, part 4: Quiz!

Immunity Quiz

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From  Steve Jenkins 0 likes 558 plays 0  

Metal Workshop Introduction

An introduction to the Metal Workshop, how to find us and what we do. Presented by Metalwork Technician, Catriona Gilbert.

From  Rachel Travers 0 likes 255 plays 0  

6b - Defects passed on to customers

Lecture 6b - Defects passed on to customers by Prof Ian Underwood

From  Lesley Gibson 0 likes 64 plays 0  

Dimitri Mignard: Hydrogen from metals

In this video Dimitri describes how hydrogen from metals allows safe, compact storage of hydrogen energy, and how it could be particularly efficient when combined with high temperature power…

+9 More
From  Billy Rosendale 0 likes 42 plays 0