Search for tag: "samples"

AI in Space

This video was created as part of the Living with AI course by the Scottish AI Alliance. Lucy Donnell discusses the role of AI in enhancing nanosatellite applications, particularly by enabling…

From  Maggie Dziezyc 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Research: Gender disparities in veterinary medicine - Ishita Parakh, Alina Paczesna, Kathryn Pratschke, Poppy Bristow, Kelly Blacklock, Jill MacKay

Research: Gender disparities in veterinary medicine - Ishita Parakh, Alina Paczesna, Kathryn Pratschke, Poppy Bristow, Kelly Blacklock, Jill MacKay

From  Eoghan Clarkson 0 likes 12 plays 0  

MLP 23-24 Week 10 Live Session - From AI to RLHF

Machine Learning Practical 2023-24 Live Lecture session for Week 10 of Semester 1. From Artificial Intelligence to Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

From  Pavlos Andreadis 1 likes 33 plays 0  

Weathering Practical Excel Data Processing

Instructions and walkthrough of processing the Absorbance data into Si concenation and using pivot tables to summerize the data

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From  ALEX Thomas 0 likes 252 plays 0  

Example Research: Impact of Nitrogen on Coral - Marine Pollution

The following video will talk about the impact of nitrogen on coral.

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From  Juan Martos Diaz 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Blood Cultures Presentation

Information video regarding blood cultures

From  Kate Leech 0 likes 396 plays 0  

Dr. Nikolaos Dionelis - UDRC Research Video 2023

Nikolaos is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Machine Learning at the University of Edinburgh in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Digital Communications Research…

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From  Joe Burchell 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Data literacy for beginners (updated 2022-2023)

Data Literacy for beginners is a one-hour webinar designed to introduce staff and students to the concepts first published in a popular statistics pamphlet, entitled How To Lie with Statistics, by…

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From  Tracy Steinberg 0 likes 99 plays 0  

AML: Model Selection - Statistical Tests

Applied Machine Learning - INFR11211 AML: Model Selection - Statistical Tests Part 2/2

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From  Siddharth N 3 likes 741 plays 0  

Flocks, mills, and platoons: from ad-hoc design to optimality-based formulation - Dante Kalise

From Individual to Collective Behaviour in Biological and Robotic Systems Flocks, mills, and platoons: from ad-hoc design to optimality-based formulation Imperial College London Dante Kalise

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From  Iain Cms 0 likes 45 plays 0  

Shape Constraints Imposed by Linear Layers in Neural Networks - Rebecca Willett

Structural Breaks and Shape Constraints Shape Constraints Imposed by Linear Layers in Neural Networks Rebecca Willett (University of Chicago) 16 May 2022

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From  Iain Cms 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Fast and Even Faster Sampling of Parameterised Gaussian Random Fields - Jonas Latz

Recent Advances in Numerical Linear algebra for PDEs, Optimisation, and Data Assimilation Fast and Even Faster Sampling of Parameterised Gaussian Random Fields Jonas Latz (Heriot-Watt University)

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Latent Space Data Assimilation - Selime Gurol

Recent Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra for PDEs, Optimisation, and Data Assimilation Latent Space Data Assimilation Selime Gürol (CERFACS)

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Jesús María Sanz-Serna (University Carlos III of Madrid) Numerical integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method

This recording is in the process of being subtitled. We aim to have edited captions available within 2 weeks of publishing.15 November Jesús María Sanz-Serna (University Carlos III…

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 59 plays 0  

The Central Limit Theorem

Discrete Mathematics and Probability 2021/22 Week 11 Part 2 The Central Limit Theorem

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From  Ian Stark 0 likes 456 plays 0  

REBM Week 8 - Part b)

This is Part b) of a series of two recorded lectures on the theme The independent samples t-test: Engaging with theory and practice.

From  Margaret MacDougall 0 likes 121 plays 0