Search for tag: "artanddesign"


This video introduces some basic technique for making a digital version of drawings made on paper.

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From  Giorgio Ponzo 0 likes 66 plays 0  


This video introduces the basic concepts for working in the transition from analogic to digital images, from printed pictures to files. You can follow the proposed exercise downloading the attached…

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From  Giorgio Ponzo 0 likes 54 plays 0  


This video is the second part of an introduction to orthographic representation for architecture. In this part, you will learn the basics about drawing floor plans and vertical sections of a…

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From  Giorgio Ponzo 0 likes 344 plays 0  


This video is the first part of an introduction to orthographic representation for architecture. From the attachments, you can download and build the model that is used in this video.

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From  Giorgio Ponzo 0 likes 475 plays 0