Search for tag: "cambridge"

Who gets credit? Fair attribution and publishing for technicians at the University of Cambridge - Lucy Woolhouse (Speaker), Frankie Marsh

"Technicians have long been an underserved community within research, with limited opportunities for career development and a lack of acknowledgement for the vital role they play. The…

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From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 6 plays 0  

60 Years of Computer Science & AI @ Edinburgh - Interview with Mark Jerrum

60 Years of Computer Science & AI @ Edinburgh - Interview with Mark Jerrum

From  Informatics at Edinburgh 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Philippa Gardner Distinguished Lecture - 60 Years of Computer Science & AI at Edinburgh

Philippa Gardner Distinguished Lecture - 60 Years of Computer Science & AI at Edinburgh

From  Informatics at Edinburgh 0 likes 16 plays 0  

'Disrupting the Publisher-Academic Complex' - a talk by Peter Murray-Rust at the British Library on 21 April 2018

'Disrupting the Publisher-Academic Complex' - a talk by Peter Murray-Rust at the British Library on Saturday 21 April 2018. Disruption does not mean illegality - it can be new technology,…

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 47 plays 0