Search for tag: "hypothesis testing"

REBM Week 7 b) - MMD

This is the second in the series of two recorded lectures on the general theme The Mann-Whitney U test: How and when to apply it, with advice on sound interpretation of statistical findings.

From  Margaret MacDougall 0 likes 154 plays 0  

REBM Week 7a) - MMD

This is the first in the series of two recorded lectures on the general theme The Mann-Whitney U test: How and when to apply it, with advice on sound interpretation of statistical findings.

From  Margaret MacDougall 0 likes 147 plays 0  

REBM Week 5b)

This is the second in a series of recordings for Week 5 of the Year MBChB coourse Research and Evidence-Based Medicine on the general topic 'Hypothesis tests and related statistics –…

From  Margaret MacDougall 0 likes 214 plays 0  

REBM Week 5a)

This is the first in a series of recordings for Week 5 of the Year MBChB coourse Research and Evidence-Based Medicine on the general topic 'Hypothesis tests and related statistics –…

From  Margaret MacDougall 0 likes 239 plays 0  

Data Science in Medicine Lab 2: Hypothesis testing in R

This is Part1 of Lab2 in R

From  Areti Manataki 0 likes 346 plays 0  

Statistics - Gravitational Waves

This project was created by the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh.

+54 More
From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 60 plays