Search for tag: "maldives"

Seeking to understand our oceans - MSc in Marine Systems & Policies

We have students from all sorts of backgrounds studying the MSc in Marine Systems and Policies, who seek to understand the ocean and our relationship with it. Hear from Dr Sebastian Hennige about…

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From  Nikki Kay 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Our student Ruby on studying an MSc in Marine Systems and Policies

Interested in doing an MSc that truly respects and integrates interdisciplinarity into your degree program? Ours MSc Marine Systems and Policies might be for you. From the outset, you will learn how…

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From  Nikki Kay 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Atolls as Living Lab - Nitrogen Pollution

In this interview with Professor Sandy Tudhope from the University of Edinburgh, we are going to be looking at the following key questions: Why are coral atolls vulnerable to climate and…

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From  Juan Martos Diaz 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Understanding the challenge of our changing oceans with an MSc in Marine Systems and Policies

Understand Earth’s diverse marine ecosystems, the tensions between ocean conservation and marine development, and the policies in place to protect our coastlines and the global ocean. Hear…

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From  Nikki Kay 0 likes 5 plays 0