08:54duration 8 minutes 54 seconds
IDS - Week 06 - 04 - Web scraping considerations
Data ethics, challenges, and workflows
11:50duration 11 minutes 50 seconds
Kaltura Capture recording - October 22nd 2020,…
Kaltura Capture recording - October 22nd 2020, 1:18:28 pm
Ethical considerations in collecting naturally occurring data.
00:27duration 27 seconds
PRE18FFIR Project: Underlying Theoretical…
PRE18FFIR Project: Underlying Theoretical Considerations
PRE18FFIR Research Project: This is a multi-centre international observational cohort study funded by the Wellcome Trust (WT103782AIA): the Prediction of Recurrent Events with 18F-Fluoride to…
01:02duration 1 minute 2 seconds
Dr Thomas Ahnert - History/ Intellectual History-…
Dr Thomas Ahnert - History/ Intellectual History- Research in a Nutshell
Thomas talks about his research area.