Search for tag: "workflow"

Outlining text

A quick demo on outlining text to graphic InDesign

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From  Ann Harrison 0 likes 1 plays 0  

IDS 2021 - Week 10 - Code along

Recording of code-along session for Week 10.

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From  David Elliott 0 likes 8 plays 0  

IDS - Week 10 - 04 - AE - The Office, Part 2

Predicting IMDB ratings of The Office episodes. Part 2 of 2: Modeling, cross validation, and model selection.

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From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 22 plays 0  

IDS - Week 09 - 04 - Feature engineering

Feature engineering with recipes and fitting models with workflows

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From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 49 plays 0  

IDS - Week 06 - 04 - Web scraping considerations

Data ethics, challenges, and workflows

+21 More
From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 61 plays 0  

Kathabhidhana - an open toolkit for anyone to record their language in a human and machine readable form.

Kathabhidhana is an open toolkit for anyone to record their language in a human and machine readable form. It is a collection of open source tools, educational material, and open sample datasets.…

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 60 plays 0