Search for tag: "parentheses"

Computational Interlude 1 part 3

The third part of the first computational interlude lecture by Jia Loy for Introduction to Cognitive Science 2021-22

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From  Alistair Isaac 0 likes 83 plays 0  

CL - 13b - regex and FSM

We introduce some simple finite state machines, and three key ideas of the theory.The first idea is that of the language recognised by a machine. Given an alphabet of symbols, a language is a set…

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 392 plays 0  

IDS - Week 06 - 05 - AE: IMDB + Web scraping

Walkthrough of application exercise: IMDB + Web scraping

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From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 65 plays 0  

FP - Lecture 9 - Expression Trees as Algebraic Data Types

This is the video for the ninth FP lecture on Expression Trees as Algebraic Data Types.

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From  Claudia-Elena Chirita 0 likes 691 plays 0  

FP - Lecture 7 - Function Properties

This is the video for the FP lecture on function properties.

+23 More
From  Claudia-Elena Chirita 0 likes 694 plays 0