Search for tag: "alphabet"

Type Bites: Upper Case and Lower Case

Type Bites is a series of short films introducing some of the practicalities of letterpress printing and the facilities we have available at Edinburgh College of Art. This one discusses Upper Case…

From  Gen Harrison 1 likes 22 plays

CL - 15a - Regular Languages (III) : DFA-regular

Our third definition: we say a language is DFA-regular if it is the language recognised by some DFA.We show that the complement of a DFA-regular language is DFA-regular.

From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 371 plays 0  

CL - 13c - Machines in Haskell

In this video we formalise the definition of an FSM, describe how a machine and its behaviour may be represented in Haskell.In this video we use lists to represent the sets used in the mathematical…

From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 357 plays 0  

CL - 13b - regex and FSM

We introduce some simple finite state machines, and three key ideas of the theory.The first idea is that of the language recognised by a machine. Given an alphabet of symbols, a language is a set…

From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 392 plays 0  

CL - 12c - chains

In this video we look at the next simplest example, chains of implications between atoms. We introduce the arrow rule.

From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 287 plays 0  

4.8 - Summary Block 4 and way forward

Mitigating Climate Change - Carbon Capture Storage

From  Jon Jack 0 likes 7 plays 0  

2.9 - Electricity- A carbon-free energy vector

Mitigating Climate Change - Carbon Capture Storage

From  Jon Jack 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Bilingualism in Minority Languages - Professor Antonella Sorace at the Celtic Knot: Wikipedia Language Conference 2017.

Bilingualism in minority languages: a resource and an opportunity Research on the bilingual mind shows that bilingualism in any languages, regardless of their status, prestige, and worldwide…

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 302 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block4b v4: Swedish Wage Earners' Funds (Longtagarfonderna)

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Hebrew Alphabet 1

An introduction to the biblical Hebrew alphabet

From  s1584283 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Hebrew Alphabet 1 old

An introduction to the biblical Hebrew alphabet

From  s1584283 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Hebrew Alphabet 4

This video introduces the letters pe to taw.

From  s1584283 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Hebrew Alphabet 3

This video introduces the letters teth to ayin.

From  s1584283 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Hebrew Alphabet 2

This video introduces the letters aleph to heth

From  s1584283 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Video 1 draft

This video introduces the first eight letters of the Hebrew alphabet

From  s1584283 0 likes 0 plays 0