Search for tag: "pole"

Diagrams, Fission Spaces and Global Lie theory - Philip Boalch

Bundles and Conformal Blocks with a Twist Diagrams, fission Spaces and Global Lie Theory Philip Boalch (IMJ-PRG Paris) 15 June, 2022

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 10 plays 0  

The Importance of Audio Quality

Geoff Fortescue, Media Studio Manager, demonstrates how to use different types of microphone in a variety of locations, and highlights their strengths and limitations.

From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 73 plays 0  

Waves in Complex Continua (Wavinar) - Matthew King (University of Warwick)

Please click "CC" to turn subtitles off. 01 Mar 2022Matthew King, University of WarwickThe Hydrodynamic Instability in Quadratic Sheared Flow over Acoustic Linings

From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Edray Goins: Clocks, Parking Garages, and the Solvability of the Quintic

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. ICMS welcome Prof. Edray Goins for a friendly introduction to monodromy. In this Public Lecture, Edray Goins…

From  Jane Walker 0 likes 43 plays 0  

What Can Paleomagnetism Tell Us

Introduction to Geophysics: What Can Palaeomagnetism Tell Us

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 120 plays 0  

Total Field Magnetic Anomalies

Introduction to Geophysics: Total Field Magnetic Anomalies

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 130 plays 0  

The Earth's Main Magnetic field

Introduction to Geophysics: The Earth's Main Field

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 144 plays 0  

Introduction to Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity

Introduction to Geophysics: Introduction to Geomagnetism ad Geoelctricity

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 165 plays 0  

26 November Stahl-Totik regularity for orthogonal rational functions with real poles and GMP matrices Benjamin Eichinge

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From  GILLIAN KERR 0 likes 28 plays 0