Search for tag: "dipole"

Lecture 18 - Principles of Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Physics

Principles of Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Physics - Lecture 18

From  Arjun Berera 0 likes 83 plays 0  

REF2020: Yossathorn Tawabutr- Helicity at Small x: Oscillations and LLA Corrections

REF2020: Yossathorn Tawabutr- Helicity at Small x: Oscillations and LLA Corrections

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 4 plays 0  

What Can Paleomagnetism Tell Us

Introduction to Geophysics: What Can Palaeomagnetism Tell Us

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 121 plays 0  

Time Variations of the Observed Magnetic Field

Introduction to Geophysics: Time Variations of the Earth's Magnetic Field

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 117 plays 0  

The Earth's Main Magnetic field

Introduction to Geophysics: The Earth's Main Field

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 145 plays 0  

Introduction to Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity

Introduction to Geophysics: Introduction to Geomagnetism ad Geoelctricity

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 167 plays 0  

REF2020: Renaud Boussarie- The true unintegrated distribution for inclusive DIS?

REF2020: Renaud Boussarie- The true unintegrated distribution for inclusive DIS?

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 7 plays 0  

REF2020: Feng Yuan- Small-x TMDs an overview

REF2020: Feng Yuan- Small-x TMDs an overview

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 21 plays 0  

REF2020: Yuri - Quark and gluon helicity distributions and OAM at small x

REF2020: Yuri - Quark and gluon helicity distributions and OAM at small x

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 12 plays 0  


Introduction to Geomagnetism Lecture 2 (Lecture 18 of Introduction to Geophysics)

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 39 plays 0