Search for tag: "surveys"

Jisc Online Surveys V3 Overview

This 1 hour video gives an overview of how to log in to Jisc Online Surveys v3, how to create a survey in Jisc Online Surveys V3, how to use different question types, how to set up question and page…

From  Jill MacKay 0 likes 152 plays 0  

Data 4 Climate Action Edinburgh, (Lightning talk) - Pauline Ward

Join Pauline Ward as she discusses open research activity and opportunities opening up, with respect to climate action community groups across Edinburgh. Data 4 Climate Action Edinburgh is a…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Higgs Centre Colloquium: Martin White 'Modeling large-scale structure in the golden age of cosmological surveys'

Speaker: Martin White (University of California Berkeley) Abstract The Universe we observe exhibits order on a wide range of scales, and the study of this large-scale structure provides one of our…

From  Ines Foidl 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Passport: Introduction, research and methodology

Passport is a market research database which provides key business intelligence on countries, consumers, lifestyles, markets and companies. Ashton Moses (Account Manager) introduces you to Passport,…

From  Catherine Ure 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Survey Design for Veterinary Scientists

This video describes the basic principles of survey design. It is aimed mainly at those working in veterinary science, but may be useful in other disciplines as well. This video is intended as an…

From  Jill MacKay 1 likes 119 plays 0  

Higgs Hour with Florian Beutler: 'Expanding the BAO science case'

Speaker: Florian Beutler (University of Edinburgh) Cosmology has the potential to test fundamental physics through the discovery of new particles (e.g. dark matter) and new fields that governed…

From  Ines Foidl 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Total Field Magnetic Anomalies

Introduction to Geophysics: Total Field Magnetic Anomalies

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 130 plays 0  

CL - 15d - Using ε-transitions

We present a first example of the use of ε-transitions to concstruct new mahines, and pose a problem to be answered in the following video.

From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 248 plays 0  

Yazmin Moret Corti - Privacy Attitudes

Week 8 Internet and Society 2020

From  James Stewart 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Hyperspatial resolution satellite data for SDG mapping

Lecture given to the SENSE CDT students on the use of very high spatial resolution data (<1m) for mapping proxies for social and economic conditions in support of the SDGs

From  Gary Watmough 0 likes 67 plays 0  

Higgs Chat with Sergey Koposov

Higgs Hour with Sergey Koposov ahead of his talk on Friday, 23 October at 1pm.

From  Ines Foidl 0 likes 91 plays 0  

Part 6 Additional websites to help you in project design- October 4th 2020, 11:00:06 am

Part 6 Scottish Education in a Nutshell - websites with additional material

From  Kay Douglas 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Hear from our students: MSc Marine Systems and Policies

Carmela shares her experiences studying the MSc Marine Systems & Policies

From  Nikki Kay 0 likes 642 plays 0  


Introduction to Geomagnetism Lecture 7 (Lecture 23 of Introduction to Geophysics)

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 23 plays 0  

4.5 - Storage in Aquifiers & Depleted Oil Fields

Mitigating Climate Change - Carbon Capture Storage

From  Jon Jack 0 likes 23 plays 0