Search for tag: "adjacency"

Expert searches for systematic reviews - databases via Ovid (Dissertation and Thesis Festival)

Presenter: Rani Darbar (Wolters Kluwer) This webinar covers intermediate and advanced search techniques for literature databases available via the Ovid platform, such as Medline, Embase, PsycInfo,…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Postcards from Network Theory - Ernesto Estrada

EMS online talk Ernesto Estrada (Institute of Interdisciplinary Physics and Complexity, Palma de Mallorca) Postcards from Network Theory 21 May 2021 To remove the captions from this video press…

From  GILLIAN KERR 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Representing Networks

Representing Networks

From  Matt Sanders 0 likes 863 plays 0