Search for tag: "ambiguity"

Cisinformed: Disinformation and the Media War on Transgender Rights

Misinformation is the defining feature of public discourse on transgender people and their rights in the United States and the United Kingdom today and the foremost obstacle to advancing the cause of…

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From  Robbie Court 0 likes 60 plays 0  

FNLP 21b

Lexical Semantics: The Generative Lexicon

+24 More
From  Alex Lascarides 0 likes 111 plays 0  

FNLP 21a

Lexical Semantics: Word senses, classes and relations

From  Alex Lascarides 0 likes 102 plays 0  

FNLP 19a

Introduction to Semantics

+25 More
From  Alex Lascarides 0 likes 159 plays 0  

Best student paper: Corina Birghila

This talk has been automatically captioned. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar.Name: Corina Birghila Talk Title: Distributionally robust bounds for tail indicesAbstract: In this…

+20 More
From  Belle Taylor 0 likes 69 plays 0  

Corina Birghila EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Corina Birghila Talk Title: Distributionally robust bounds for tail indices Abstract: In this work, we…

+28 More
From  Anna Munro 0 likes 16 plays 0  



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From  Hannah Rohde 0 likes 55 plays 0  

Challenges to Data Integration

Challenges to Data Integration

+20 More
From  Matt Sanders 0 likes 662 plays 0