Search for tag: "sunday"

New Resources for Lectionary Year A: A CPD event for Ministers and Worship Leaders - Rev. Dr Nikki Macdonald

In this video Rev. Dr Nikki Macdonald (Minister, Upper Clyde Parish Church) speaks on the topic of 'Rigidly Constraining Liberty or useful tool? The lectionary as servant, not master' at…

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From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Leadership in a Time of Change: A CPD Event for Ministers - Rev Dr Neil Dougall

In this video Rev Dr Neil Dougall, minister of St Andrew Blackadder Parish Church, North Berwick, speaks at the event 'Leadership in a Time of Change: A CPD Event for Ministers' In this…

From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Sandy Stirling MND cycle - famous faces good luck film

Messages of support to Sandy Stirling from famous faces around the world.

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From  Alison Irving 1 likes 76 plays 0  

Global Health and Infectious Diseases online masters: Christiane Takeda - student testimonial

Christiane from Brazil is studying the online Masters in Global Health and Infectious Diseases and finds the website interface and library resources easy to use. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 109 plays 0