Search for tag: "readings"

Introduction to the Library - HCA (online and distance learners)

An introduction to the University Library for new online and distance postgraduate and PhD students in the School of History, Classics, Archaeology (HCA), 2024/25. - Introduction - Accessing library…

+16 More
From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Resource Lists for students

A guide for students on how to use Resource Lists.

From  Viktoria Varga 0 likes 1,532 plays 0  

British Council MSC in Digital Education Welcome Session

A recording of a recent (14 December 2023) session introducing the British Council scholarship students to the MSc in Digital Education as part of the Digital Education for change makers in…

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From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 27 plays 0  

MSc in Digital Education: Using WordPress on your mobile device

A brief tutorial for the MSc in Digital Education on how to use WordPress on your mobile phone for your assessed work or as a learning journal.

+21 More
From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Introduction to the Library - HCA (Online)

An introduction to the University Library for new online postgraduate students in the School of History, Classics, Archaeology (HCA), 2023/24. A PDF version of the slides can be downloaded from the…

+15 More
From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 52 plays 0  

British Council MSC in Digital Education Information Session

A session on 15 August 2023 for prospective students to the MSc in Digital Education

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From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Introduction to the Library: Historian's Toolkit

This video is a short introduction to the University Library and its resources, services and facilities for students on the Historian's Toolkit course, 2023-24. It's also recommended you…

+10 More
From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Courses for Semester 1, September 2023: a quick introduction

A brief introduction to courses being offered for SEM1 starting in September 2023

+21 More
From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 82 plays 0  

Practitioner Networks on the MSc in Digital Education

A recording of an information session for interested applicants from Ugandan universities applying for Mastercard Foundation scholarships

+23 More
From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 38 plays 0  

New Resources for Lectionary Year A: A CPD event for Ministers and Worship Leaders - Rev. Dr Nikki Macdonald

In this video Rev. Dr Nikki Macdonald (Minister, Upper Clyde Parish Church) speaks on the topic of 'Rigidly Constraining Liberty or useful tool? The lectionary as servant, not master' at…

+22 More
From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Introduction to the Library - Historian's Toolkit

This video is a short introduction to the University Library and its resources, services and facilities for students on the Historian's Toolkit course, 2022-23. A PDF version of the slides can…

+10 More
From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 46 plays 0  

Trailer: Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation

Trailer: Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation E-Learning Course: Music: Space Technologies - MaxKoMusic | Free Stock Music (CC BY-SA…

From  Juan Martos Diaz 0 likes 338 plays 0  

Digital Education for change makers in Sub-Saharan Africa Session Recording

An information session for potential applicants for the Digital Education for change makers in Sub-Saharan Africa cohort set to start in January 2023.

+21 More
From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 71 plays 0  

1.3 On reading and pedagogy

In this final video, we offer suggestions for how to prepare for the thematic readings and discussions

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From  Stephen Dunne 1 likes 25 plays 0  

Welcome to the Library, Part 1: Basics and finding your readings

This is the first of a 2-part introduction to the University Library for students doing the PgCert Advanced Social Work Studies - Mental Health Officer (MHO) Award, 2022-23. This session covers…

+10 More
From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Week 4: Redefining the Human

Jeremy Knox discuss week 4 of the course - redefining the human in the digital age. If you download and reuse this video, please remember to attribute the University of Edinburgh and include the…

+21 More
From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 60 plays 0