Search for tag: "teamwork"

TUSAIL: ESRs introduce themselves and talk about the benefits of being part of a Marie-Curie ITN

TUSAIL is an Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. It comprises 15 academic and industrial partners, led by the…

From  Deborah Stitt 0 likes 33 plays 0  

This Is Milk - GCAS Employer Interview

Communications & Communities Manager at This Is Milk, Leanne McGuire, discusses the importance of creativity, teamwork and building connections to succeed in the communications and marketing…

From  Anna Grant 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Teamwork Top Tips for Successful Reviews - In Conversation with an UNCOVER Review Team

A team of students and graduates, who led UNCOVER's work with the WHO in 2021, share their experiences and insights from the project, with a particular emphasis on teamwork “dos and…

From  Emilie Mcswiggan 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Creating a community of freshers: A new culture in engineering education

In this contribution I would like to share my experience with the blank-slate design of Engineering 1 (first delivery in 2020-2021 AY), the first course all engineering students take as they hit…

From  Simone Dimartino 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Judith Syson 06/08/20

PCTM Welcome

From  Matt Sanders 0 likes 44 plays 0  

Global Health and Infectious Diseases online masters: Christiane Takeda - student testimonial

Christiane from Brazil is studying the online Masters in Global Health and Infectious Diseases and finds the website interface and library resources easy to use. Join our online community:…

From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 109 plays 0  

Academic Skills 2018: End of Course Reflections

End of course reflections from the class of 2018.

From  Alice Smith 0 likes 137 plays 0  

Shift Left-athon

Innovation Project Manager Lauren Tormey explains the work her team in Website and Communications have been doing around shift left and how that emerged into an innovation project and a one day…

From  Tim Gray 0 likes 124 plays 0